November 22nd, 2024
OLIVER COUNTY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS were called to order at 2:00 PM with all members present.
Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Alice Grinsteinner presented information on a grant from Homeland Security. The county will receive $11487 reimbursed by FEMA. The amount would be used to pay for the Ready App, which will cost the county $5243.50. Alice would also like to use money from the grant to put on trainings in the community for citizens for some first aid/first responder type training.
Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the grant application. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Discussion was held on the HR JPA with Mercer County. Alice will begin on December 6th starting with one day per week in Oliver County. Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the JPA with Mercer County for HR services. A roll call vote was held. Blake Wilkens-Aye, Darrell Berger-Aye, Lee Husfloen-Aye. The JPA was approved.
The meeting adjourned at 2:16 PM.
The next meeting of the Oliver County Commission will be at 8:00 AM, Thursday December 12th, 2024 at the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.
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Jaden Schmidt, Oliver County Auditor Lee Husfloen, Chairman of the Board