OLIVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING Commission was called to order at 7:00 PM. Members present were Randy Schmidt, Ray Schmidt, Lonnie Henke, Corey Hintz, Jayar Kindsvogel, John Wicklund (Land Use Administrator) and Jaden Schmidt (Secretary).
Guests present were: Bonnie Haupt, Cassie Smith, Gary Smith, Donna Smith, Michael Haupt, Kent Albers, Jay Volk (Summit Carbon Solutions), Brian Dresser, Dave Berger, Dave Hilliard, Bill Tveit, Amanda Hoffer, Kurt Swenson, Kirk Maire, Monte Fisher
Jayar Kindsvogel moved and Lonnie Henke seconded the motion to approve the minutes with corrections. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Summit Carbon Solutions have applied for a conditional use permit to construct and operate the KJ Hintz site within the NE ¼ of 17-142N-86W for the purpose of injecting CO2. The permit application is for the following: pad, injection wells and the facilities.
Summit Carbon Solutions have applied for a conditional use permit to construct and operate the TB Leingang site within the NE ¼ of 18-141N for the purpose of injecting CO2. The permit application is for the following: pad, injection wells and the facilities.
Discussion and comments were heard from members of the Planning and Zoning board, Oliver County Landowners and representatives of Summit Carbon Solutions.
Kurt Swenson made several comments and read a letter to the board, which is attached to these minutes. This includes a request for additional requirements.
Each permit site will take 25-25 days per well for drilling and there will be 2 wells per site. Jay Volk, Summit, stated that there would be 300 vehicles going back and forth for about 7-8 weeks during the construction phase. There is currently no approved permit for actual injection. The draft permit application is with the NDIC for this process.
Ray Schmidt moved and Randy Schmidt seconded the motion to table the Summit Carbon permit application for the KJ Hintz location to a future date, tentatively scheduled for the August 31st meeting. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Ray Schmidt moved and Jayar Kindsvogel seconded the motion to table the Summit Carbon permit application for the TB Leingang location to a future date, tentatively scheduled for the August 31st meeting. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Discussion was held to have a special meeting to discuss the ordinance and the additional requirements for the Summit permits. A special meeting will be held on August 3rd at 7 pm at the Oliver County Courthouse.
Brian Dresser, resident, discussed with the board plans to develop some property within the county for an RV park. The area is 14-142N-84W lot F in the NW ¼. It is currently zoned Agricultural and would need a zoning change to Commercial as well as the correct permit applications sent in.
Kent Albers discussed his conditional use permit application for a Covered Feed Lot. His permit application is under review and will be heard at the next meeting.
Jayar Kindsvogel moved and Ray Schmidt seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm. The next meeting of the Oliver County Planning & Zoning Board will take place on August 3rd at 7 pm in the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.
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Jaden Schmidt, Secretary Darren Klingenstein, Chairman of the Board