JANUARY 6, 2022 OLIVER COUNTY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS were called to order at 8:00 A.M. with Commissioner Lee Husfloen and Commissioner Darrell Berger present. Commissioner Blake Wilkens was absent.
The County Auditor was appointed temporary chairman during reorganization of the Board. Darrell Berger moved and Lee Husfloen seconded the motion to nominate Lee Husfloen as Chairman of the Board and Darrell Berger as Vice-Chairman of the Board. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Lee Husfloen moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Darrell Berger moved and Lee Husfloen seconded the motion to approve the December 29th, 2021 minutes as written. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Carmen Reed, DES/E911 Coordinator, presented the Mercer-Oliver 911/Emergency Manager Quarterly Report for October 1st – December 31st, 2021. She also stated the burn ban is off at this time.
Darrell Berger moved and Lee Husfloen seconded the motion to designate Security First Bank of North Dakota as the County Depository. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Darrell Berger moved and Lee Husfloen seconded the motion to accept a pledged letter of credit from the Bank of North Dakota for $2,050,000 plus pledged securities of $3,992,551 for Total Securities Pledged $6,042,551. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Oliver County Commission requests that the North Dakota Highway Patrol monitors Oliver County roads.
Oliver County Commission
By: _________________________
Lee Husfloen, Chairman
Date: ________________________
Attest: _____________________________
Judith Hintz, Oliver County Auditor
Date: ______________________________
The Oliver County Commission acted on the preceding Resolution at its regular January 6, 2022 meeting as follows: Adoption moved by Darrell Berger and seconded by Lee Husfloen. On roll call vote the following voted “Aye”: Lee Husfloen and Darrell Berger. None voted “Nay”. After the vote the Presiding Officer declared the Resolution adopted.
Lee Husfloen moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the mileage rate for 2022 as $.585 effective 1/1/2022. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
The employee handbook revision was discussed.
Darrell Berger moved and Lee Husfloen seconded the motion to approve the certification of local match for bridge inspection/load rating for Project #BRC-BRS-0099(009) PCN 22816. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Darrell Berger moved and Lee Husfloen seconded the motion to appoint John Mahoney as Acting States Attorney for the year 2022. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
A.J. Tuck, Moore Engineering, discussed the monies received for the ARPA Grant. Grant money was received by the City of Center and by Oliver County. He was representing the City of Center and asked the county to share their ARPA Grant funds with the City of Center as they could use more funding for their sewer project.
The following bills were approved for payment:
Butler Machinery 1,016.53, Coal Conversion Counties 1,700.00, Dakota Fluid Power, Inc. 612.27, Esco Supply 2,865.96, Fastenal 19.16, IAAO 225.00, LCRDC 2,457.65, Miller, Kyle 13,994.13, NACO 450.00, NASASP 39.00, ND Clerks Association 100.00, ND Recorders Assoc. 200.00, ND State Radio 120.00, ND County Treasurer’s Assoc. 100.00, NDCCA 1,040.00, NDAAEA 75.00, NDACo 33,645.16, NDAE4-HYW 100.00, NDPERS 18,617.12, NDSU Extension Pesticide 300.00, Rud Oil Co. 13,346.36, Secure Software Solutions 3,250.00, Software Innovations 750.00, Statewide Services 20,725.00, Stein’s Inc. 57.50, Swanston Equipment 998.04.
The following bills previously paid were approved:
Garrett Brothers Construction 10,187.50, Marco Technologies 272.83, ND Child Support Enforcement Division 250.16, ND State Tax Commissioner 2,459.92, Oliver County Treasurer 1,011.17, Payroll 29,014.59, Quadient Finance 1,005.00, Security 1st Bank 27,504.39, Verizon Wireless 82.01, Visa 4,465.89, Vojacek, Stacy 70.00.
Patricia Koapke, Tax Director, discussed valuations for the county. Lee Husfloen moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve an increase in residential valuation of .976%. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried. Darrell Berger moved and Lee Husfloen seconded the motion to leave ag valuation as it is with no decrease or no increase. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Darrell Berger moved and Lee Husfloen seconded the motion to keep the same appointments as 2021 which included Lee Husfloen appointed to Coal Conversion Counties, Dakota Central Social Services Board and West Central Human Service Center Regional Advisory Council; Darrell Berger appointed to Emergency Services Representative – Region 5, JDA (Job Development), Solid Waste Management & Land Reclamation Board, and NDSU Advisory Committee; and Blake Wilkens appointed to Dakota Prairies RC & D Board, and Lewis & Clark Regional Development Council. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Kyle Miller, Road Superintendent, discussed roads, parking lot and sidewalk snow removal, and updating the county sewer system.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 A.M.
The next meeting of the Oliver County Commission will be at 8:00 A.M., Thursday, February 3, 2021 at the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Judith M. Hintz, Oliver County Auditor Lee Husfloen, Chairman of the Board