October 24th, 2024
OLIVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING Commission was called to order at 7:00 pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call was held. Members present were Lonnie Henke, Bill Breimeier, Jody Reinke, Adam Vaughn, Linda Nelson, Randy Schmidt, and Cassie Smith. Others present were Jaden Schmidt, Secretary/P&Z, Patty Koapke, P&Z.
Jody Reinke moved and Adam Vaughn seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Bill Breimeier moved and Randy Schmidt seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the September 26th, 2024 meeting with a date correction.
Conditional Use Permit #1052 for Minnesota Power and Great River Energy for an HVDC Modernization Project. Dan McCourtney and Kyle Larson with Minnesota Power presented to the board. Discussion was held on the need to update the line, as it’s past it’s recommended life. Discussion was also held on how and where to access the project area. The board made note that there were landowners missing from their list. Anything dealing with section line improvement would have to be discussed and approved by the County Commissioners. The facilities would be located on the property currently owned by Minnesota Power and Minnkota Power.
Jody Reinke moved and Adam Vaughn seconded the motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit #1052 with the condition that they add the missing landowners to the application prior to the County Commission meeting. Some discussion was held on access road to section lines, weed control and dust suppression, which are all items that will be discussed with the County Commission and put in a Road Use & Maintenance agreement. A roll call vote was held: Linda Nelson-Aye, Randy Schmidt-Aye, Adam Vaughn-Aye, Cassie Smith-Aye, Bill Breimeier-Aye, Jody Reinke-Aye. The permit was approved.
Conditional Use Permit #1053 for Kortnie Smith and Cory Keating was not heard due to the applicants not being present.
Building Permit #1055 for WRT for a 12x20 building located at their tower site was presented. Jody Reinke moved and Linda Nelson seconded the motion to approve Building Permit #1055. A roll call vote was held: Linda Nelson-Aye, Randy Schmidt-Aye, Adam Vaughn-Aye, Cassie Smith-Aye, Bill Breimeier-Aye, Jody Reinke-Aye. The permit was approved.
Discussion was held on the draft Solar Moratorium. It was determined to move forward with the public hearing and first reading.
Discussion was held on fee payments and administrative fees. Patty Koapke and Jaden Schmidt will put together information and examples for the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 pm.
The next meeting for the Oliver County Planning & Zoning Board will be November 21st at 7:00 pm in the Oliver County Courthouse Meeting Room.
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Jaden Schmidt, Secretary Chairman of the Board