March 2nd, 2023
OLIVER COUNTY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS were called to order at 8:00 AM with all members present.
Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the February 7th meeting. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
The following bills were approved for payment:
Allstate Peterbilt of Bismarck-82.44
Capital One Trade Credit-81.23
Computer Express-850.00
Lee Husfloen-224.01
I-State Truck Center-136.82
Patricia Koapke-117.90
Matthew Bender & Co-72.60
NDACO Resources Group-645.72
Nelson International-335.73
NW Tire-1930.88
Quadient Finance USA-849.71
Quadient Leasing USA-183.09
Software Innovations-750.00
Stein’s Inc-60.32
Master Fire & Safety-220.00
VanGuard Appraisals-1100.00
ND Sheriff’s & Deputies Assoc-400.00
Dacotah Paper-964.85
K&M Repair-6755.18
NDPERS/Security First Bank-18617.12
Center Machine-1396.21
Rud Oil-9705.14
Electronic Communications-15528.00
The following bills previously paid were approved:
Argus Dental & Vision-714.37
Edwin Berg Estate-207.72
Beulah Rural Fire District-644.90
Beulah School District-69639.96
Capital Credit Union-10.00
Center Park District-7873.78
Center-Stanton School District-414562.30
City of Center-47266.29
Colonial Life Premium Processing-89.31
Custer District Health-25580.65
Days Inn-196.00
Michael Fedorchak-941.40
Fidelity Security Life Ins-163.19
Fort Clark Irrigation-2076.00
Glen Ullin Rural Fire District-495.84
Glen Ullin School District-11055.13
Hazen Rural Fire District-4419.28
Hazen School District-55501.84
Liberty Business Systems Inc-467.29
Marco Technologies-185.27
Mercer County Ambulance-12093.40
Morton County Auditor-9642.53
Morton County Council on Aging-15318.67
Nationwide Retirement-2150.00
ND Child Support Enforecement-500.32
ND State Treasurer-8171.32
New Salem-Almont School District-38786.46
New Salem Ambulance-7640.75
New Salem Rural Fire District-2114.39
Oliver County Ambulance-49087.42
Oliver County Fair Board-3881.00
Oliver County Historical Society-1927.79
Oliver County Rural Fire Dist-22457.31
Oliver County Soil Conservation-18981.18
Oliver County Treasurer-1467.84
Oliver County Water Management-4595.52
Roughrider Electric-540.91
Security First Agency-1857.00
Security First Bank-28613.35
Stanton Rural Fire-1421.27
SW Water-59.21
Verizon Wireless-287.63
Darlene Voegele-63.00
Washburn Rural Ambulance-9196.19
Washburn Rural Fire-3088.28
Washburn School District-19821.52
Waste Management-162.46
Discussion was held on updating the Community Club gaming site authorization form. Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to update and approve the addition of poker to the current gaming site authorization form from the Center Community Club. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Bid opening was started at 8:30 AM with the opening of Fuel & Lubricant bids. Fuel & Lubricant bids were received by Rud Oil. Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to accept the fuel bid. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Bid opening of Rental Construction Equipment was at 8:40 AM. Rental Construction Equipment bids were received from Baranko Bro’s Inc. Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to accept the Rental Construction Equipment bid. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Bid opening of Gravel Crushing bids began at 8:55 AM. Gravel Crushing bids were received from Sundre Sand & Gravel, Fisher Industries and Knife River. Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to accept all bids. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Kyle Miller, Road Superintendent, discussed road issues. The bridge project is still waiting for a temporary fix. Jim Jackson, Moore Engineering, will have a water study done to see if culverts are an option.
Mercer County Sherriff, Terry Ternes, discuss the E911 position and agreement. Mercer County Sherriff’s department took over the E911 position. Agreement would be for 4 years, at a rate of $30,000 per year. Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to accept and approve the new joint powers agreement with Mercer County for the E911 Position. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Mickie McNulty-Eide asked the Commission for approval from the Community Club and the Ambulance to use the Courthouse Courtyard for Old Settler’s events as well as an Easter Egg Hunt. The Commissioners were acceptable of these organizations using the courtyard.
John Wicklund presented Building Permit 995 for the Oliver County Fair Board to re-do the arena lights and wiring. Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the building permit. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Patricia Koapke, Equalization Director, presented a license agreement with Vanguard for updated software for assessing. Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the license agreement. Discussion was also held on increasing the hours of the Equalization Director by 8 hours. Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to increase the hours to 32 per week. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM.
The next meeting of the Oliver County Commission will be at 8:00 AM, Thursday, April 6th, 2023 at the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.
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Jaden Schmidt, Oliver County Auditor Lee Husfloen, Chairman of the Board