July 12th, 2024

OLIVER COUNTY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS were called to order at 10:00 AM with all members present and guest DJ Gleason of NextEra and Levi of Blattner Energy

Discussion was held on 17th St SW between 48th and 49th Ave. The road has been blowing out due to the high traffic and heavy loads. NextEra and Blattner would like to fix the road by stripping the top grade layer off and mixing in cement with clay subgrade to stabilize it. They would like to begin work on July 16th and hope to finish it by July 19th.

They state that only one lane would be shut down at a time to allow usage of the road by residents in the area.

They are also looking at 22nd St SW, south of Hannover, where several heavy loads have come in. There are some culvert issues there that they are looking at repairing.

Blattner Energy and Brink Construction have been using several water trucks to keep dust under control. They are planning to begin watering overnight to keep the roads damp during the day due to the high heat that has been drying them out faster. They currently have permits with the State Water Commission to pull water from Square Butte Creek and Otter Creek.

Both companies have been working with landowners on use of section lines and moving fences.

Their reclaim plan will begin with some this year and finishing out the rest next year.

There was discussion on the speed limits. There are signs in the project area that state 35 mph and some that state 25 mph. The 25 mph signs are strictly for the company for construction, and that has been added to the signs. It is mandate by the PSC for the dust suppression.

The company also asked that if there are no established roads, are they allowed to plow through 5 feet deep to lay lines rather than bore the lines in, as it would allow for high reliability of the lines being put in. The Commissioners did not see an problem with allowing that.

It was also stated that if there is public out in the project area that wants to watch the building progress that they stay back at least 300 feet from the work due to safety and liability, but they are welcome to watch. They should reach out to Levi to let him know.

The meeting adjourned at 10:43 am. 

The next meeting of the Oliver County Commission will be at 8:00 AM, Thursday, August 1st, 2024 at the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.

_________________________________                    _________________________________

Jaden Schmidt, Oliver County Auditor                         Lee Husfloen, Chairman of the Board