November 16th, 2023
OLIVER COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING Commission was called to order at 7:01 pm. Members present were Randy Schmidt, Lonnie Henke, Jayar Kindsvogel, Corey Hintz, Jaden Schmidt (Secretary) and John Wicklund (Land Use Administrator).
Jayar Kindsvogel moved and Randy Schmidt seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Lonnie Henke moved and Jayar Kindsvogel seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the September 28th meeting. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Chris Simon has applied for a Conditional Use permit for a private grass air strip. Discussion was held and public comments were taken. Lonnie Henke moved and Jayar Kindsvogel seconded the motion to approve the permit. A Roll Call vote was held: Randy Schmidt - Aye, Jayar Kindsvogel – Aye, Lonnie Henke - Aye. The Conditional Use permit was approved.
NextEra Energy has applied for a Conditional Use permit for the Oliver Wind IV Energy Center. Discussion was held. Letters of support were presented for the project from area businesses and schools. The Attorney for NextEra requested that a motion be made to formally open the floor for a public hearing and comments.
Jayar Kindsvogel moved and Randy Schmidt seconded the motion to open the floor for public comment. A roll call vote was held: Randy Schmidt – Aye, Jayar Kindsvogel – Aye, Lonnie Henke – Aye, Corey Hintz – Aye.
Clay Cameron, NextEra Developer, gave an overview of the project to the board. They will have a hearing with the PSC in January. Construction is slated for May of 2024 and in operation in late 2024. All turbines will be in Oliver County, a total of 73.
Landowner, Blaine Wilkens, commented that he is in support of the project.
Deena Brown, NextEra Environmental Engineer, stated that all turbines would be located in mainly cropland, but could potentially be located in some pastures that had been previously “broken ground”.
Jack Jensen expressed support of the project.
Jayar Kindsvogel moved and Randy Schmidt seconded the motion to close the public hearing.
Jayar Kindsvogel moved and Randy Schmidt seconded the motion to approve the permit for the Oliver Wind IV Energy Center. Jayar Kindsvogel then rescinded the motion.
Jayar Kindsvogel moved and Randy Schmidt seconded the motion to allow Lonnie Henke to vote on the permit, as Lonnie does have a conflict of interest with the project and stands to gain financially. A roll call vote was held: Jayar Kindsvogel – Aye, Randy Schmidt – Aye, Corey Hintz – Aye. Motion approved.
Jayar Kindsvogel moved and Randy Schmidt seconded the motion to approve the permit for Oliver Wind IV Energy Center. A roll call vote was held: Randy Schmidt – Aye, Lonnie Henke – Aye, Jayar Kindsvogel – Aye.
Jayar Kindsvogel moved and Lonnie Henke seconded the motion to open the public hearing of the Oliver Wind IV Energy Center Transmission Line Conditional Use permit. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
There being no public comment, Jayar Kindsvogel moved and Randy Schmidt seconded the motion to close the floor to comment. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Jayar Kindsvogel moved and Randy Schmidt seconded the motion to approve the Oliver Wind IV Energy Center Transmission Line permit. A roll call vote was held: Lonnie Henke – Aye, Jayar Kindsvogel – Aye, Randy Schmidt – Aye. The permit was approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. The next meeting of the Oliver County Planning & Zoning Board will take place on December 21st at 7:00 PM in the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.
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Jaden Schmidt, Secretary Chairman of the Board