December 30th, 2024
OLIVER COUNTY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS were called to order at 1:00 PM with all members present.
Rob Schmidt moved and Dave Berger seconded the motion to approve the agenda with additions. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Dave Berger moved and Rob Schmidt seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the December 12th meeting. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Rob Schmidt moved and Dave Berger seconded the motion to approve the following bills for payment and approve the following bills previously paid. A roll call vote was held, with Dave Berger, aye, Rob Schmidt, aye, Lee Husfloen, aye. Motion carried.
Butler Machinery-1227.50
Warne Chemical & Equipment-4242.00
I-State Truck-414.56
Bonnell Aman-3900.00
K&M Repair-236.45
NW Tire-576.84
Roughrider Industries-1441.02
Jake’s Auto Glass-486.74
Runnings Supply-298.91
Kueper North America-30080.00
Allstate Peterbilt-182.10
Lee Husfloen-54.94
Dept. of Transportation-89.71
A2Z Plumbing-170.00
Liberty Business Systems-220.00
Dakota Fluid Power-109.40
Rud Oil-18307.65
Software Innovations-950.00
Beulah Beacon-80.00
The following bills previously paid were approved:
Colonial Life-655.32
Companion Life Insurance-442.25
Fidelity Security Life-70.16
Liberty Business Systems-1047.42
Nationwide Retirement-1058.00
NDSU Ext Pesticide Program-100.00
Oliver County Treasurer-235.02
Roughrider Electric-258.67
Trent Sack-148.57
Security First Bank-9055.39
The Scoria Agreement with Nathan Henke was discussed. Nathan Henke is requesting an increase from $300 per load to $400 per load. Dave Berger moved and Rob Schmidt seconded the motion to approve the agreement for 2025 for the Scoria Agreement with Nathan Henke. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Discussion was held on board appointments for Planning & Zoning, Weed Board and Park Board. Dave Berger moved and Rob Schmidt seconded the motion to advertise for all expired term positions with 2 on Planning & Zoning, 2 on Weed Board and 1 on Park Board. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Discussion was held on the weed board transfer from December of 2023. The Board is requesting the money to be transferred back. Dave Berger asked how spending the taxpayer money on a large building be justified to the taxpayers. No action was taken at the time of the meeting.
Discussion was held on complaints made of Rick Schmidt. Greg Maier, weed board member, requested that because Rick Schmidt, when acting as the Weed Control Officer, is an employee of the Weed Board, that any complaints come to the Weed Board, not the County Commission. His job as the NDSU Extension Agent is separate from the Weed Board.
Discussion was held on the request for Board member pay. No action was taken and the subject was tabled until the next Commission meeting.
Dave Berger moved and Rob Schmidt seconded the motion to amend the 2025 budget for Fund 2970, Account 4814, Object 113 for the Weed Control; Other Employees, for the purpose of increasing the Weed Control Officer’s salary from $3500 to $7000. Amended Budget total amount for the Fund, Account and Object would equal $20,200.00. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Dave Berger moved and Rob Schmidt seconded the motion to approve Transfer 2024-1, as shown below. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Center, North Dakota 58530 |
Transfer #2024-1 |
12/30/2024 |
Account (#) |
Debit |
Credit |
Unorganized Road (2130) |
$ 1,287.14 |
Special Road (2110) |
IN |
$ 1,287.14 |
General (1000) |
$ 20,859.38 |
E-911 (IN) |
IN |
$ 20,859.38 |
$ 22,146.52 |
$ 22,146.52 |
Patty Koapke, Tax Equalization Director, discussed the Agricultural rates. She is requesting that no change is made to the rates for the upcoming year. Rob Schmidt moved and Dave Berger seconded the motion to approve no change to the Agricultural Rates for 2025. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Due to a state requirement for Equalization meetings, the June 12th meeting has been moved to June 10th, 2025.
Discussion was held on Weed Control for large scale projects coming to the county. Different options were discussed, such as conditions in the CUP and additions to the Road Use & Maintenance Agreements for such projects. More discussion will be held on options at future meetings.
Kyle Miller discussed county road items. County shop items up for bid include a 2008 Chevy Tahoe, 1985 Witzco Lowboy, 1996 Volvo Truck and 2014 Dodge Ram Pickup. The items will be advertised for two weeks and bids will be sent to the Auditor. Bids will be opened at the February 13th Commission meeting.
Dave Berger presented a handout with several shop concerns.
Dave Berger discussed contracting Keith Vitek to do the outside work at the Courthouse during the winter months, such as moving snow and salting sidewalks.
Dave Berger discussed concerns with gravel being put on the county roads in the wind project area as it is causing issues with residents in the area being able to travel the roads. Blattner and NextEra are required to fix the roads back to what they were or better according to their road use agreement with the county.
Discussion was held on the purchase of ice melt.
Alice Grinsteinner, Oliver/Mercer EM & HR, discussed the Commission having portfolios. She presented a list of departments that should be under portfolios. Jaden Schmidt will compile the different positions/departments that should be grouped together under the same portfolio holder before the next meeting.
Alice Grinsteinner informed the Commission that a grant was received for a mitigation plan.
Discussion was held on County Shop vehicle decals. Jaden Schmidt presented 4 logo options. Pricing will be presented at the January meeting for magnets and decals.
Discussion was held on the purchase of the Old Mahoney Law Office. Patrick Waters, States Attorney, presented a price of $29,000 to the Commission if they would be interested. No decision was made at the time of the meeting.
ARPA updates were discussed.
Greg Petrick, BNI, discussed mine updates. A new map should be provided in January or February.
Lee Husfloen discussed the different boards Commission members are a part of.
Lee Husfloen will serve on the West Dakota Human Services, Solid Waste Management, Land Reclamation and Dakota Prairie RCND Boards.
Dave Berger will serve on the LEPC, Coal Conversion Counties, JDA and Lewis & Clark Regional Development Council Boards.
Rob Schmidt will serve on the Dakota Central Human Services, Emergency Services and City Golf Boards.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 pm.
The next meeting of the Oliver County Commission will be at 1:00 PM, January 8th, 2025 at the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.
_________________________________ _________________________________
Jaden Schmidt, Oliver County Auditor Lee Husfloen, Chairman of the Board