MAY 5, 2022 OLIVER COUNTY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS were called to order at 8:00 A.M. with all members present.
Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the April 7, 2022 minutes as written. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
The following bills were approved for payment:
Allstate Peterbuilt 61.19, Auto Value 978.21, Burleigh-Morton Detention Center 1,575.00, Butler Machinery 453.86, Capital One Trade Credit 12.99, Center Machine Shop 232.27, Center Republican 135.50, Coal Country CHC 205.00, Computer Express 2,245.00, Dakota Fluid Power 29.26, Election Systems & Software 2,958.46, Force America Distributing 453.96, I-State Truck Center 41.28, Johnsen Trailer Sales 82.26, Matthew Bender & Co. 256.86, Menard’s 41.65, Mercer County Sheriff’s Department 1,895.00, Merkens Law PLLC 165.00, ND Dept of Human Services 297.97, NDACo Resources Group 609.72, NDSU Extension Service 7,939.02, Oliver County Rural Fire Dept. 30.00, Oliver Emergency Management 1,475.76, Rud Oil 15,885.86, Seachange Print Innovations 1,651.80, Statewide Services 38.00, Stein’s Inc. 628.30.
The following bills previously paid were approved:
Aflac 569.64, Argus Dental & Vision 535.89, Beulah Rural Fire District 25.94, Beulah School District 4,012.32, Center-Stanton School District 22,974.04, Center Park District 189.71, City of Center 1,873.05, Credit Bureau of Bismarck 485.57, Custer District Health 807.25, Doll, Sherry 1,140.22, Fidelity Security Life Ins. Co. 137.04, Glen Ullin School District 472.53, Hazen Rural Fire District 296.33, Hazen School District 4,241.73, Marco Technologies 352.73, Mercer County Ambulance 392.09, Morton County Auditor 251.54, Morton County Council on Aging 486.93, Nationwide Retirement 2,150.00, ND Child Support Division 500.32, ND State Treasurer 685.39, NDACo 83.93, New Salem – Almont School District 2,084.95, New Salem Ambulance 183.80, New Salem Rural Fire District 63.23, Oliver County Ambulance District 1,519.35, Oliver County Historical 61.26, Oliver County Rural Fire District 838.51, Oliver County Soil Conservation 528.43, Oliver County Treasurer 1,065.23, Oliver County Water Management 170.73, Payroll 67,822.78, Quadient Financing USA, Inc. 444.09, Raymond Hessler, PayMaster 753.50, Roughrider Electric 300.67, Security First Bank of ND 31,157.09, SW Water Authority 45.83, Visa 7,221.66, W.A.R.C. 1,163.18, Washburn Rural Ambulance District 294.07, Washburn Rural Fire District 15.45, Washburn School District 405.15, Waste Management 154.62, WRT 1,018.93.
Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to appoint AJ Blohm to the Oliver County Water Management Board to fill an unexpired 3 year term expiring the end of 2023. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the Snow Emergency Declaration as of April 13th, 2022 to use Emergency Funds for all expenses that occurred above the normal budget related to the April blizzard. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Lee Husfloen, Chairman, signed the Funding Agreement for Clerk of District Court Services previously approved.
Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve Rita Giesen as the Inspector for the Primary Election on June 14, 2022. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the Highway Utility Permit for Roughrider Electric Cooperative along or crossing County Road 33rd Ave SW across Sections 27 and 28, 143N-83W. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
John Wicklund, Land Use Administrator, presented Building Permit #976 for Karene & Raymond Hall for a 30’ x 40’ Detached Garage in the SE ¼ of Section 14-142-84 and Building Permit #977 for Nathan Dagley for x 24’ x 32’ Bunkhouse in the NE ¼ of Section 30-142-84. Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve Building Permits #976 and #977. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Sharon Rud, Center Community Club, presented a gaming site authorization for Square Butte Creek Golf Course beginning on 7/1/22 and ending on 6/30/23. Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the gaming site authorization for Square Butte Creek Golf Course. All in favor, none opposed; motion
Mikael Schmidt, Resident, discussed culverts, an approach and questioned if a section line was permanently closed or not. It was decided the county will furnish the culverts and Mikael will do the dirt work.
Jim Jackson, Moore Engineering, discussed roads, other road projects and ARPA money.
Kyle Miller, Road Superintendent, presented two bids. One was from Countryside Construction and one from Grounds Construction. The quote is for replacing the roof tin on both county shops along with replacing the trim on the 50 x 100 ft shop, and adding insulation. Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the bid from Countryside Construction. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Kyle Miller, Road Superintendent, discussed culverts, roads and tar.
Judith Hintz, Auditor, presented two proposals for a service contract for the Sheriff’s, State’s Attorney’s, and Auditor’s copy machines. One was from Fireside Office Solutions and one was from Liberty Business Systems, Inc. Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the Service Contract with Liberty Business Systems, Inc. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
There was discussion on a phone call from Summit Carbon Solutions rep about a Community Outreach Program and discussion on a letter received concerning building code effectiveness grading schedules.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 A.M.
The next meeting of the Oliver County Commission will be at 8:00 A.M. Thursday, June 2, 2022 at the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.
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Judith M. Hintz, Oliver County Auditor Lee Husfloen, Chairman of the Board