May 2, 2019
MAY 2, 2019 OLIVER COUNTY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS were called to order at 8:00 A.M. with all members present.
Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the agenda with the addition of a bid for the roof from Roofing Solutions LLC. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the April 4th , 2019 minutes as written. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
John Wicklund, Land Use Administrator, presented Conditional Use Permit #896 for Zachary Neuberger for a non-farm residence in the NE ¼ of Section 14-143-87. Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve Conditional Use Permit #896. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
John Wicklund, Land Use Administrator, presented Building Permit #897 for Zachary Neuberger for a manufactured home in the NE ¼ of Section 14-143-87, Building Permit #898 for Doug Price for a cabin/shop in the SE ¼ of Section 25-143-82, Building Permit #899 for David Yantzer for a 32’ x 48’ garage in the SE ¼ SW ¼ of Section 15-142-84, Building Permit #900 for Kenneth Rude for a 32’ x 32’ shop in the SW ¼ of Section 2-142-84, and Building Permit #901 for Brock Morgen for a 40’ x 64’ pole barn in the NE ¼ of Section 3-143-85. Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve Building Permits #897, #898, #899, #900, and #901.
John Wicklund, Land Use Administrator, discussed receiving a conditional use permit from Land Steward Inc.
Scott Harr, Twin City Roofing LLC, presented a bid proposal for repairing the courthouse roof. He would remove the white membrane, peel the tar and gravel off, and leave the insulation there but would replace whatever insulation was wet or damaged. He would furnish and install a tapered EPS roof insulation system with 1/8” per foot slope to drain. He would furnish and install a 60-mil ballasted EPDM rubber roof system. The roof would be guaranteed for 15 years, per manufacturer’s warranty package.
Carmen Reed, DES/E-911 Coordinator, discussed the Burn Ban. Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the Fire Emergency Declaration and Burn Ban Proclamation that states a Stage I Burn Ban will be in effect whenever the Fire Danger Rating is High, Very High, Extreme and/or, a Red Flag Warning has been issued for Oliver County, to include all incorporated cities.
Carmen Reed, DES/E-911 Coordinator, presented the Mercer-Oliver 911/Emergency Manager Quarterly Report for January 1st – March 31st, 2019.
Jim Jackson, Moore Engineering, discussed bid letting for our summer road project and the federal selection process for engineering services.
Kyle Miller, Road Superintendent, discussed roads and dust control.
The following bills were approved for payment:
Acme Tools 22.99, Agco Finance 12,177.45, Allstate Peterbilt of Bismarck 526.25, Ameripride Linen & Uniform Services 102.37, BHG, Inc. 620.57, Butler Machinery 839.87, Capital Trophy 228.45, Center Machine 17.32, Coal Country CHC 92.00, Cruff, Madeline 68.44, Dacotah Paper Co. 745.66, Dakota Communications 67.50, Dave’s Sales & Services 169.50, Esco Bismarck 7,025.00, Force America Distributing 18.47, Gross Electric 338.00, Inland Truck Parts and Service 57.07, ITD 510.95, Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson 2,400.50, Koapke, Patricia 59.16, Mac’s Hardware 11.22, Mercer Co. Ambulance 300.00, ND Insurance Dept. 180.00, Mercer Co. Sheriff 2,190.00, ND Insurance Dept. 180.00, NDACo
Resources Group 2,337.86, NDSU Extension Service 7,159.86, Oliver Emergency Management 2,562.06, Rud’s Oil 10,850.27, SBM 783.83, Schmidt, Richard 1,343.37, Stein’s Inc. 226.55, Super Pumper 752.66, Verizon Wireless 43.64, Vitek, Keith 200.00.
The following bills previously paid were approved:
Aflac 361.50, Balance of Funds 45,690.94, Center Job Development 2,500.00, Fidelity Security 109.08, Marco Technologies 345.64, MDU 497.88, Nationwide Retirement 1,425.00, NDACo 505.00, NDPERS 9,658.36, Oliver County 4-H Council 35.00, Oliver County Treasurer 667.25, Payroll 57,008.69, Random 796.92, Roughrider Electric 436.66, Security 1st Bank 16,912.49, US Records Midwest 1,167.21, Verizon Wireless 294.91, Visa 1,841.64, Waste Management 126.45, WRT 1,105.26.
Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve advertising in the Summer Events Guide to west-central North Dakota and paying 1/3 the cost for a full page ad (which is $480.00 : 3 = $160.00) if the Community Club and the City of Center pick up the other 2/3’s cost of the ad. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Judith Hintz, Auditor, asked which commissioners plan to attend the Legislative Wrap-Up session on May 13th. Darrell Berger and Blake Wilkens will not be able to attend. Lee Huslfloen will be able to attend the session along with the Auditor, Treasurer, and Recorder/Clerk of Court.
Judith Hintz, Auditor, presented the invitation for the Commission from the Ambulance for their Appreciation supper on May 9th, 2019.
Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve a letter stating Oliver County Commission are in strong support of Project Tundra and continued economic development in our county. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Jay Volk and Derrick Placek, BNI Coal Representatives, discussed future mining projects.
It was decided to hold a Special Commission Meeting on May 9th, 2019 to go over the proposal with a representative present from Roofing Solutions for the courthouse roof repair. The meeting will begin at 9:00 A.M. The interview with Moore Engineering for the engineering services for SC-CNOC-3300(019) will be after the adjournment of the commission meeting starting at 9:30 A.M. Judith Hintz, Auditor, Darrell Berger, Vice-Chair Commission and Kyle Miller, Road Superintendent will do the interviewing for the engineering services.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:08 A.M.
The next meeting of the Oliver County Commission will be at 8:00 A.M., Thursday, June 6, 2019 at the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Judith M. Hintz, Oliver County Auditor Lee Husfloen, Chairman of the Board
Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the agenda with the addition of a bid for the roof from Roofing Solutions LLC. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the April 4th , 2019 minutes as written. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
John Wicklund, Land Use Administrator, presented Conditional Use Permit #896 for Zachary Neuberger for a non-farm residence in the NE ¼ of Section 14-143-87. Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve Conditional Use Permit #896. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
John Wicklund, Land Use Administrator, presented Building Permit #897 for Zachary Neuberger for a manufactured home in the NE ¼ of Section 14-143-87, Building Permit #898 for Doug Price for a cabin/shop in the SE ¼ of Section 25-143-82, Building Permit #899 for David Yantzer for a 32’ x 48’ garage in the SE ¼ SW ¼ of Section 15-142-84, Building Permit #900 for Kenneth Rude for a 32’ x 32’ shop in the SW ¼ of Section 2-142-84, and Building Permit #901 for Brock Morgen for a 40’ x 64’ pole barn in the NE ¼ of Section 3-143-85. Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve Building Permits #897, #898, #899, #900, and #901.
John Wicklund, Land Use Administrator, discussed receiving a conditional use permit from Land Steward Inc.
Scott Harr, Twin City Roofing LLC, presented a bid proposal for repairing the courthouse roof. He would remove the white membrane, peel the tar and gravel off, and leave the insulation there but would replace whatever insulation was wet or damaged. He would furnish and install a tapered EPS roof insulation system with 1/8” per foot slope to drain. He would furnish and install a 60-mil ballasted EPDM rubber roof system. The roof would be guaranteed for 15 years, per manufacturer’s warranty package.
Carmen Reed, DES/E-911 Coordinator, discussed the Burn Ban. Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the Fire Emergency Declaration and Burn Ban Proclamation that states a Stage I Burn Ban will be in effect whenever the Fire Danger Rating is High, Very High, Extreme and/or, a Red Flag Warning has been issued for Oliver County, to include all incorporated cities.
Carmen Reed, DES/E-911 Coordinator, presented the Mercer-Oliver 911/Emergency Manager Quarterly Report for January 1st – March 31st, 2019.
Jim Jackson, Moore Engineering, discussed bid letting for our summer road project and the federal selection process for engineering services.
Kyle Miller, Road Superintendent, discussed roads and dust control.
The following bills were approved for payment:
Acme Tools 22.99, Agco Finance 12,177.45, Allstate Peterbilt of Bismarck 526.25, Ameripride Linen & Uniform Services 102.37, BHG, Inc. 620.57, Butler Machinery 839.87, Capital Trophy 228.45, Center Machine 17.32, Coal Country CHC 92.00, Cruff, Madeline 68.44, Dacotah Paper Co. 745.66, Dakota Communications 67.50, Dave’s Sales & Services 169.50, Esco Bismarck 7,025.00, Force America Distributing 18.47, Gross Electric 338.00, Inland Truck Parts and Service 57.07, ITD 510.95, Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson 2,400.50, Koapke, Patricia 59.16, Mac’s Hardware 11.22, Mercer Co. Ambulance 300.00, ND Insurance Dept. 180.00, Mercer Co. Sheriff 2,190.00, ND Insurance Dept. 180.00, NDACo
Resources Group 2,337.86, NDSU Extension Service 7,159.86, Oliver Emergency Management 2,562.06, Rud’s Oil 10,850.27, SBM 783.83, Schmidt, Richard 1,343.37, Stein’s Inc. 226.55, Super Pumper 752.66, Verizon Wireless 43.64, Vitek, Keith 200.00.
The following bills previously paid were approved:
Aflac 361.50, Balance of Funds 45,690.94, Center Job Development 2,500.00, Fidelity Security 109.08, Marco Technologies 345.64, MDU 497.88, Nationwide Retirement 1,425.00, NDACo 505.00, NDPERS 9,658.36, Oliver County 4-H Council 35.00, Oliver County Treasurer 667.25, Payroll 57,008.69, Random 796.92, Roughrider Electric 436.66, Security 1st Bank 16,912.49, US Records Midwest 1,167.21, Verizon Wireless 294.91, Visa 1,841.64, Waste Management 126.45, WRT 1,105.26.
Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve advertising in the Summer Events Guide to west-central North Dakota and paying 1/3 the cost for a full page ad (which is $480.00 : 3 = $160.00) if the Community Club and the City of Center pick up the other 2/3’s cost of the ad. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Judith Hintz, Auditor, asked which commissioners plan to attend the Legislative Wrap-Up session on May 13th. Darrell Berger and Blake Wilkens will not be able to attend. Lee Huslfloen will be able to attend the session along with the Auditor, Treasurer, and Recorder/Clerk of Court.
Judith Hintz, Auditor, presented the invitation for the Commission from the Ambulance for their Appreciation supper on May 9th, 2019.
Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve a letter stating Oliver County Commission are in strong support of Project Tundra and continued economic development in our county. All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.
Jay Volk and Derrick Placek, BNI Coal Representatives, discussed future mining projects.
It was decided to hold a Special Commission Meeting on May 9th, 2019 to go over the proposal with a representative present from Roofing Solutions for the courthouse roof repair. The meeting will begin at 9:00 A.M. The interview with Moore Engineering for the engineering services for SC-CNOC-3300(019) will be after the adjournment of the commission meeting starting at 9:30 A.M. Judith Hintz, Auditor, Darrell Berger, Vice-Chair Commission and Kyle Miller, Road Superintendent will do the interviewing for the engineering services.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:08 A.M.
The next meeting of the Oliver County Commission will be at 8:00 A.M., Thursday, June 6, 2019 at the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Judith M. Hintz, Oliver County Auditor Lee Husfloen, Chairman of the Board