May 30, 2019

Oliver County Planning and Zoning Commission
May 30, 2019
     The meeting of the Oliver County Planning and Zoning Commission was held on Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.
     Meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.
     Members present were John Smith, Jerimiah Hanson, Deb Starck, Teri Schulte and Wyman Scheetz.
     Others present were Cole Helmers, Dale Effertz, and Michal Beckman.
     A motion to approve the minutes of the May 30, 2019 meeting was made by Wyman Scheetz. Teri Schulte 2nd the motion. All were in favor.
Cole Helmers of 1679 33rd Ave SW, Center, North Dakota 58530, has made application to the Oliver County Planning and Zoning Commission for a conditional use permit for a non farm residence, within the NE¼ of Section 28, Township 143 North, Range 83 West, Oliver County, North Dakota.
     A motion to approve the permit was made by Wyman Scheetz. Teri Schulte 2nd the motion. All were in favor.
Land Stewards Inc. of 1735 Hwy 31, Hannover, North Dakota 58563, has made application to the Oliver County Planning and Zoning Commission for a conditional use permit for a Business Office and shop space, within the NE¼ of Section 24, Township 142 North, Range 84 West, Oliver County, North Dakota.
     A motion to approve the permit was made by Teri Schulte. Deb Starck 2nd the motion. All were in favor.
     There was not a representative present at the meeting for the John Dixon CU applications, so the applications were tabled until the next planning and zoning meeting.
     The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 PM.