October 3, 2019

OCTOBER 3, 2019 OLIVER COUNTY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS were called to order at 8:00 A.M. with all members present.

     Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve the agenda.  All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.

     Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the September 5, 2019 minutes, as written.  All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.

     The following bills were approved for payment:

Allstate Peterbilt of Bismarck 1,185.06, Ameripride Linen & Uniform 70.06, Berg’s 24-HR Towing 686.00, BHG, Inc. 768.02, Bluetarp Credit Services 8.24, Butler Machinery 4,573.51, Capital Trophy 35.85, Center Machine 20.22, Centre Inc. 960.00, Coal Country CHC 92.00, Dacotah Paper Co. 905.00, Dakota Business Solutions 238.00, Dakota Fluid Power 384.60, Dave’s Sales & Service 128.20, DHS-MMIS 19.47, Fastenal Company 171.61, Hazen Drug 19.01, Hintz, Judith 156.60, Holiday Inn Express & Suites 94.00, IAAO 210.00, ITD 514.63, Jake’s Auto Glass 2,559.00, Johnsen Trailer Sales 556.68, Kinetic Leasing 14,340.08, Matthew Bender & Co. 821.07, Menard’s 30.32, Mercer County Sheriff’s Department 3,560.00, Mercer/Oliver 911 4,167.44, NDACo Resources Group 1,464.00, Nelson International 195.21, Nelson, Linda 203.30, NW Tire 1,806.54, Rud Oil Co. 7,947.01, S&M Lawn Service 275.00, SBM 43.99, Schick Enterprises 40,060.00, Schmidt, Richard 330.02, Security First Bank of ND 20,058.24, Stein’s Inc. 411.60, Titan Machinery 286.73, Verizon Wireless 44.03, Vitek, Keith 325.00.

     The following bills previously paid were approved:

Aflac 389.06, Balance of Funds 9,616.57, Fidelity Security Life Insurance Co. 109.08, Hilton, Gail 30.00, Marco Technologies 398.79, MDU 2,206.27, Nationwide Retirement 1,900.00, ND State Tax Commissioner 2,681.38, Oliver County Clerk of Court 160.00, Oliver County Treasurer 748.70, Payroll 66,035.00, Roughrider Electric 174.84, Security First Bank of ND 36,019.05, US Records Midwest 738.31, Visa 1,882.05, WRT 1,035.31.

     Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve a Highway Utility Permit for WRT along or crossing County Road 59th Ave SW in the NE & NW ¼ of Section 6 & 5 – 142N-87W for Beulah Exchange, WO #2019-453-001.  All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.

     The Coal Conversion Counties Association Annual Meeting on October 23, 2019 was discussed.  Lee Husfloen will be attending this meeting.

     John Wicklund, Land Use Administrator, presented Conditional Use Permit #921 for Conrad & Melva Haag for a non-farm residence in the S ½ of Section 16-141-82.  Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve Conditional Use Permit #921.  All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.

     John Wicklund, Land Use Administrator, presented Building Permit #922 for Conrad & Melva Haag for a home in the S ½ of Section 16-141-82, Building Permit #923 for Mark Dagley for a home in the SE ¼ NW ¼ SW ¼ SW ¼ of Section 28-141-83, Building Permit #924 for Blaine Zachmeier for a 60’ x 150’ Machine Shed in the SW ¼ SW ¼ of Section 15-141-82.  Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve Building Permits #922, #923, and #924.  All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.

     Carmen Reed, E-911 Coordinator/DES presented the Mercer-Oliver 911/Emergency Manager Quarterly Report for July 1st – September 30th, 2019.  Carmen also mentioned the Next Generation updates will be in the 2021 Budget.

     Kyle Miller, Road Superintendent, discussed roads and purchasing delineators from 3D Specialties.

     HB1286 Civil Asset Forfeiture Fund was discussed.  The Oliver County Commission needs to create and establish the Oliver County Asset Forfeiture Fund to receive any assets forfeited to the County as a result of the Civil Action process outlined in ND Century Code 19-03.1-36.2.

     Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to set the minimum bid price for Parcel #25176000  Lots 4-5-6 Block 3 Hagerotts Addition at $5,957.74 which became the property of the county on October 1st, 2019.    The sale will take place on November 19, 2019 at 10:00 A.M. in the courthouse meeting room if the former owner does not pay the taxes by that time.  All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.

     Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the annual Maintenance Certification for county federal aid projects certifying the county is properly maintaining the projects that had federal aid for construction.  All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.

     Patricia Koapke, Tax Director presented a new home exemption.  Blake Wilkens moved and Darrell Berger seconded the motion to approve a new home exemption for Larry Erhardt for $125,000 per year for two years.  All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.

     Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to appoint Rick Schmidt as the counties State Fair delegate for 2019 to attend the State Fair Association’s Annual Meeting on November 20, 2019 to be held at the FFA Hall of the State Fair Center in Minot, ND at 1:00 P.M.  All in favor, none opposed; motion carried.

     The final budget hearing convened at 10:00 A.M. All department budgets were reviewed and finalized as follows:

I, Judith Hintz, Auditor, in and for the County of Oliver, State of North Dakota, hereby give notice that the Oliver County Board of Commissioners have examined the budgets submitted by the various County Offices and Departments supported wholly or in part by Oliver County.






         2020 BUDGET















     County Board

 $                       46,750.00


 $                    37,750.00

     District & Juvenile Court

 $                         2,300.00


 $                      2,300.00

     Public Defender (Atty Fees)

 $                         2,000.00


 $                      2,000.00

     County Auditor

 $                       84,790.00


 $                    81,790.00

     County Treasurer

 $                       72,565.00


 $                    69,565.00

     State's Attorney

 $                       66,940.00


 $                    62,598.50


 $                       22,500.00


 $                    22,500.00

     Co. Recorder/Clerk of Court

 $                     109,000.00


 $                  106,000.00

     Superintendent of Schools

 $                         1,750.00


 $                      1,750.00

     Director of Tax Equalization

 $                       32,934.00


 $                    29,949.00


 $                         6,700.00


 $                      6,700.00

     Bldgs/Grounds & Janitor

 $                     134,100.00


 $                  134,100.00


 $                       27,505.00


 $                    27,505.00


 $                       54,900.00


 $                    54,900.00

     Printer,Copier & Fax

 $                       21,100.00


 $                    21,100.00


 $                         5,200.00


 $                      5,200.00

     ITD Services

 $                       84,000.00


 $                    84,000.00


 $                         6,845.00


 $                      6,845.00

     Vital Statistics

 $                               10.00


 $                            10.00

     County Retirement

 $                       62,000.00


 $                    62,000.00

     Examination Fees

 $                            500.00


 $                         500.00

     Organization Dues

 $                       15,000.00


 $                    15,000.00

     Office Furniture & Machines

 $                         8,000.00


 $                      8,000.00

     General Miscellaneous

 $                       53,370.00


 $                    53,370.00

     County Sheriff

 $                     542,119.92


 $                  496,219.92

     Probation Officer

 $                         4,000.00


 $                      4,000.00

     County Coroner

 $                         6,700.00


 $                      6,700.00

     Risk Management

 $                         3,295.00


 $                      3,295.00

     Disaster Emergency Service

 $                       17,602.00


 $                    17,602.00

     Property & Liability Insurance

 $                       24,000.00


 $                    24,000.00

     Insanity Board

 $                            500.00


 $                         500.00

     Drug Abuse

 $                         1,000.00


 $                      1,000.00


 $                         3,000.00


 $                      3,000.00

     Public Health Nurse

 $                         1,200.00


 $                      1,200.00

     Health Insurance

 $                     154,000.00


 $                  154,000.00

     County Park

 $                         4,000.00


 $                      4,000.00

     Planning & Zoning

 $                       16,836.04


 $                    16,536.04

     Fair Board

 $                       15,000.00


 $                    15,000.00

     Economic Development

 $                         2,500.00


 $                      2,500.00


 $                 1,716,511.96


 $              1,644,985.46









     Special Road

 $                     780,500.00


 $                  780,500.00

     County Road (Unorganized)

 $                 1,434,600.00


 $              1,434,600.00

     Road & Bridge

 $                       19,700.00


 $                    19,700.00

     Highway Tax

 $                     565,000.00


 $                  565,000.00

     Custer Health

 $                       56,479.00


 $                    56,479.00

     Historical Society

 $                         6,500.00


 $                      6,500.00

     Senior Citizens

 $                       29,763.00


 $                    29,763.00


 $                     175,000.00


 $                  175,000.00


 $                       60,455.00


 $                    60,455.00

     Capital Projects

 $                       25,000.00


 $                    25,000.00


 $                       52,000.00


 $                    52,000.00

     Veteran Services

 $                       20,000.00


 $                    20,000.00

     Soil Conservation

 $                       32,600.00


 $                    32,600.00

     County Agent

 $                     105,003.80


 $                  101,480.00

     Weed Control

 $                     116,750.00


 $                  116,750.00

     Water Management

 $                       13,000.00


 $                    13,000.00

     DES Grants

 $                         5,000.00


 $                      5,000.00

     SW Water Authority

 $                       16,000.00


 $                    16,000.00






 $                 3,513,350.80


 $              3,509,827.00






 $                 5,229,862.76


 $              5,154,812.46






     Full-time employees will receive $1,500.00 a year salary increase with part-time employees being prorated for the year 2020.  Commissioners will not receive a raise for 2020.  The General Fund mills will be increased from 12.70 to 13.00, Emergency mills will be .25, Veterans 1.25, Road & Bridge .25 and Weed Board at 3.1 mills.  The commission is asking all departments to decrease their spending for 2020 by 5% to 10% from what was approved.  Darrell Berger moved and Blake Wilkens seconded the motion to approve the 2020 budget as revised. Roll call vote: Darrell Berger-Aye, Blake Wilkens-Aye, Lee Husfloen-Nay.  Motion carried.

     The meeting was adjourned at 11:09 A.M.                                                                      

     The next meeting of the Oliver County Commission will be at 8:00 A.M., Thursday, November 7, 2019 at the Oliver County Courthouse meeting room.  




___________________________________      ____________________________________

Judith M. Hintz, Oliver County Auditor         Lee Husfloen, Chairman of the Board